Transfiguration of Christ Our Lord icon (3)

Regular price $ 19.00

Contemporary orthodox icon of the Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (3). Copy if an icon of Theophanis, Mount Athos 16 cent.

Commemorated August 6th.

The event portrayed in this Orthodox icon is recorded in Scripture (Matthew 17:1,  Mark 9:2 , Luke 9:28 ). Jesus took three of His trusted disciples, Peter, James, and John, to the top of Mount Tabor. There the full glory of His divinity was revealed to them. Jesus was transfigured. His face shone like the sun, and His garments became glistening white. Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ.

A bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice came from the cloud saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him." Hearing this the disciples fell on their faces filled with awe. Jesus came to them and told them to not be afraid. This divine light that the disciples witnessed is the divine light of which we all can become partakers. We are to strive to purify ourselves so we will become worthy of God's grace to be united with Him like the disciples were on Mount Tabor.

Gregory Palamas says: "Let us, considering the Mystery of the Transfiguration of the Lord in accord with their teaching, strive to be illumined by this Light ourselves and encourage in ourselves love and striving towards the Unfading Glory and Beauty, purifying our spiritual eyes of worldly thoughts and refraining from perishable and quickly passing delights and beauty which darken the garb of the soul and lead to the fire of Gehenna and everlasting darkness. Let us be freed from these by the illumination and knowledge of the incorporeal and ever-existing Light of our Savior transfigured on Tabor, in His Glory, and of His Father from all eternity, and His Life-Creating Spirit, Whom are One Radiance, One Godhead, and Glory, and Kingdom, and Power now and ever and unto ages of ages."