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Orthodox Icon of Theotokos "Portaitissa" or Panagia Portaitissa in Silk screen.
This icon is made with the special technique of silkscreen on a canvas and by using real gold foil. During the Iconoclast period where the government tried to destroy icons a widow took an icon of the Mother of God and cast it into the sea to save it. One evening the monks of the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos beheld a pillar of light, shining upon the sea like the sun.
This lasted for several days. It was miraculously retrieved by one of the monks who walked out on the water to retrieve it. It was set on the ground and a spring burst forth. They took the icon to the church but the next day they found it at the monastery gate. The monks returned it to the church and agin the next day they found it near the gate. Seeing the special nature of this icon they joyously built a chapel next to the gate of the monastery for the icon.
The icon came to be known as the Portaitissa or the Iveron Theotokos. This miraculous Iveron Icon is know for its many miracles that have taken place and continue to take place throughout the world.