The Holy Three Youths in the furnace icon
Orthodox icon of the Three Holy Youths in the furnace, 3 Youths in the furnace.
Protectors of Firefighters.
Commemorated December 17th.
"Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord; praise, and highly exalt him to all the ages. Bless the Lord Angels of the Lord, heavens of the Lord; Bless the Lord all you waters above the heavens, all you powers of the Lord; Bless the Lord sun and moon, stars of heaven; Bless the Lord, every shower and dew, all the winds; Bless the Lord fire and warmth, cold and heat; Bless the Lord dews and snows, ice and cold;
Bless the Lord frosts and snows, lightnings and clouds; Bless the Lord light and dark, nights and days; Bless the Lord earth, mountains and hills, and all that grow in it; Bless the Lord springs, seas and rivers, whales and all that move in the waters; Bless the Lord all you birds of the air, beasts and cattle; Bless the Lord you sons of men. Let Israel bless the Lord; Bless the Lord priests of the Lord, servants of the Lord;
Bless the Lord spirits and souls of the just, holy and humble of heart; Bless the Lord Ananias, Azarias and Misael; Bless the Lord Apostles, Prophets and Martyrs of the Lord; We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, We praise the Lord and highly exalt him unto the ages.Both now.Praise the Lord, and highly exalt him, unto the ages.
We praise, bless and worship the Lord, praising and highly exalting him unto the ages. We praise the Lord and highly exalt him unto the ages." (Reading and Hymn of the Three Holy Youths, taken from the Great Vespers of Holy Saturday)