St. Susanna icon
Orthodox Icon of Susanna, Suzan, Susan the Myrrh-bearer.
Commemorated December 15.
Saint Susanna the Myrrh-Bearer was one of the group of eight women identified in the New Testament that are called the myrrh bearing women. Susanna is mentioned in Luke 8:3 as one of these women, along with Joanna, Mary Magdalene, and others, who followed Christ from Galilee and supported Him and the disciples. She is associated in the group as one of the wealthy women who provided support for Jesus during his three year public ministry.
These women were the first to behold the Resurrection, and it was they who announced the glad tidings to the Disciples; for it was fitting that the sex which had first fallen to sin and had inherited the curse should be the first to behold the Resurrection and to hear the joyous greeting, having formerly heard the words: in pain thou shalt bring forth children. They were called Myrrh-Bearers, because Joseph and Nicodemos, being in a hurry to bury the body of the Lord on the Friday, since the next day was the great day of the Sabbath, anointed it according to Jewish custom, but not as they ought to have done; they only anointed it with aloes and spices, wrapped it in a winding-sheet, and committed it to the grave; for this reason, having an ardent love for Christ, as disciples of His, these women purchased costly myrrh and came by night, both for fear of the Jews and because the Law permitted them to mourn earlier in the day and to anoint the body, thereby making up for a deficiency that had been due to pressure of time.
When they arrived at the tomb, they saw different sights: the two shining Angels inside the tomb, and the other sitting on the stone; after this, they beheld Christ and worshipped Him; St. Mary Magdalene asked Him about Himself as if He were the gardener. The Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women falls on the second Sunday following Pascha.
Reference: G.O.A.A.