St. Peter the Apostle icon
Orthodox icon of Saint Peter the Apostle. Copy of an icon from the second half of the 6th century- first half of the 7th century. St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai Egypt.
Commemorated June 29th.
In the original icon Saint Peter is shown with large wide-open eyes, short gray hair and short well-groomed beard. He is holding a cross in the left hand and three keys in the right. Saint Peter's head is surrounded by a large golden halo. Saint Peter was the son of Jonas and the brother of Andrew the First-called.
He was a fisherman, unlearned and poor, and was called Simon. He was renamed Peter by the Lord Jesus Christ, who said to him, "Thou art Simon the son of Jonas; thou shalt be called Cephas (which is by interpretation, Peter)" (John 1:42). He preached in Judea, Antioch, and certain parts of Asia, and finally came to Rome, where he was crucified upside down by Nero.