Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles icon (1)
Contemporary orthodox icon of Saints Peter and Paul.
Commemorated June 29.
This icon shows the two saints embracing each other depicting their unity of love and faith in Jesus Christ.
Saint Peter Peter is brother of Saint Andrew the First-Called, from Bethsaida. He was a fisherman by trade, unlearned and poor, and was called Simon. He was renamed Peter by the Lord Jesus Christ, Who looked at him and said, "Thou art Simon the son of Jonas; thou shalt be called Cephas (which means rock)" (John 1:42).He regarded as the leader of the 12 Disciples of Jesus.
After the Resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit he preached in Judea, Antioch, and certain parts of Asia, and finally came to Rome. Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch where followers were first called Christians. St. Paul Paul was a Pharisee, belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, or in Tarsus of Asia Minor. He persecuted the Church with great zeal and violence. Later he was transformed on the road to Damascus and became the greatest of missionaries.
He spoke with eloquently and with strength in the synagogues, proclaiming that "Christ is the Son of God" (Acts 9:1-21). He traveled over large areas of the Roman Empire, preaching the Gospel, and fashioning the Christians Faith for all time. His fourteen letters are an important part of the New Testament. Peter and Paul were martyred in Rome under Emperor Nero in the year 87. Peter was crucified, head down at his own request so that he would not die in the same way as Christ. Because Paul was a Roman Citizen, he was beheaded.