Annunciation of Theotokos Icon(SSC)
Byzantine icon of Annunciation (Evangelismos, of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.
Commemorated March 25.
This beautiful icon is made with the specific technique of silkscreen on real gold foil. This Orthodox icon depicts the Archangel Gabriel (left), and the Virgin Mary (right). Gabriel is shown with his feet apart indicating the joy and urgency of his message. The staff he holds in his hand is to symbolize that he is a messenger of God. He extends his right hand towards Mary as a blessing from God. The virgin Mary stands in an elevated place indicating that she is greater in honor than the cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word.
She holds in her right hand spindle of scarlet yarn indicating her task of making the veil for the Temple in Jerusalem. Her raised right hand is an indication of her acceptance of the message brought by Gabriel and her stance shows her willingness to cooperate with God. On her clothing are three stars symbolizing that she was a virgin before , during and after the birth of Christ. At the top we can see a circle which indicated the Divine realm and the descent of the Holy Spirit acting on her. On this feast day we celebrate not only the work of God's plan for our salvation through the Incarnation of Christ, but also the human response of Mary who with voluntary obedience accepted the role God gave her.