St. Gregory of Nyssa icon (2)
Orthodox icon of Saint Gregory of Nyssa (2).
Commemorated January 10.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa, was a younger brother of St Basil the Great. He lived during the time of the Arian disputes. He was consecrated bishop of the city of Nyssa in Cappadocia. In the year 381 St Gregory was one of the chief figures of the Second Ecumenical Council, convened at Constantinople against the heresy of Macedonius, who incorrectly taught about the Holy Spirit. At this Council, on the initiative of St Gregory, the Nicean Symbol of Faith (the Creed) was completed.
St Gregory of Nyssa was a fiery defender of Orthodox dogmas, a kind and compassionate father to his spiritual children, and their intercessor before the courts. He was distinguished by his magnanimity, patience and love of peace. St Gregory of Nyssa had a significant influence on the Church life of his time. His sister, St Macrina, wrote to him: You are renowned both in the cities, and gatherings of people, and throughout entire districts.
Churches ask you for help. St Gregory is known in history as one of the most profound Christian thinkers of the fourth century. Endowed with philosophical talent, he saw philosophy as a means for a deeper penetration into the authentic meaning of divine revelation. St Gregory left behind many remarkable works of dogmatic character, as well as sermons and discourses. He has been called the Father of Fathers.