St. Eugene of Trebizond
Orthodox icon of Saint Eugenios, Eugenius, Eugene of Trebizond (Pontos).
Commemorated January 21.
The Holy martyr Eugene lived at the time of the persecutions of Diocletian, around 240 AC. He was christian and because of his faith he was hiding in the forrest of Lazi (Caucasus). Some days after the arrest of Saints Valerian, Candidus and Aquilas, he was arrested too.
He confessed Christ in spite of torments and when he accompanied Lysias to idols' temple, ostensibly to sacrifice, the status of false gods fell to the ground at his prayer. After enduring further cruelties, he was thrown into a blazing furnace with three other holy martyrs. As they remained unharmed, they were finally beheaded.
On account of his many miracles Saint Eugene is venerated as the patron Saint of Trebizond.