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Carved plaque with the Jesus Prayer, in english and greek, in 3 different styles
We use real wood to make the carving and finish it with a varnish. The plaque has a hole on the back side to be hanged on the wall and dimensions are 11" X 7".
Of the prayers that was given to us by the Saints, the prayer of Jesus, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner", is the most useful, because of its brevity, and the most fruitful, when it is performed continuously in the heart.
But in order for the prayer of Jesus to succeed and bear fruit - and to bear fruit means to banish the passions and demons from the heart and to bring and place Christ in it - it takes a long time and a lot of efforts, i.e. an intense psychosomatic struggle. By a lot of efforts, man reaches from impure prayer - that which is full with passionate memories and thoughts - to pure and without thoughts prayer. In this prayer, the only true and pure prayer, the mind, remaining into the heart, is attached exclusively to God, since it managed to get rid of all distractions.